Share Your Story: Alumni Spotlight Form Home Carthage Alumni Stay Connected Share Your Story: Alumni Spotlight Form In This Section Stay Connected› Share Your Story: Alumni Spotlight Form We like to share stories of our successful alumni on the Carthage College website. If you would like to be featured, please fill out the form below. You may be contacted by a member of the Office of Marketing and Communications or The Aspire Center staff, and featured on our website or in future print materials. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. full_name required text field Full Name* email_address required e-mail address field Email address* your_pronouns text field Your Pronouns class_year required text field Class Year (year you graduated)* majors required text field Major(s)* minors text field Minor(s) where_do_you_currently_live required text field Where do you currently live?* current_employer required textarea field Current Employer* Please list your business/organization with location. current_positiontitle required text field Current Position/Title* please_describe_your_position required textarea field Please describe your position.* tell_us_about_your_recent_acco text field Tell us about your recent accomplishments. what_have_you_enjoyed_most_abo textarea field What have you enjoyed most about your career? what_aspects_of_your_carthage textarea field What aspects of your Carthage experience helped prepare you for your career? why_did_you_choose_carthage textarea field Why did you choose Carthage? what_opportunities_were_made_p textarea field What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience? please_share_a_specific_exampl textarea field Please share a specific example from your career or life when the liberal arts skills you gained at Carthage (critical thinking, attacking problems from multiple angles, hands-on learning, communication, etc.) helped you most. what_carthage_professors_playe textarea field What Carthage professors played a part in your success? How did your relationships with faculty help you succeed? were_you_an_award_recipient textarea field Were you an award recipient? Please list any scholarships, honors, or awards you received as an undergraduate or graduate. do_you_have_any_tips_or_advice textarea field Do you have any tips or advice to share with students about your experience? what_are_some_of_your_favorite textarea field What are some of your favorite Carthage memories? How did Carthage shape you? carthage039s_mission_is_quotse textarea field Carthage's mission is "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together." What role have these values played in your life? How are these values reflected in your life today? in_what_ways_are_you_still_inv textarea field In what ways are you still involved with Carthage? why_do_you_continue_to_stay_in textarea field Why do you continue to stay involved with Carthage? required file attachment field Please upload a photo we can use with your profile.* For best results, photo should be a professional looking portrait (like what you'd use on LinkedIn), and at least 4-by-6 inches and 300 dpi. Select files to upload (50 MB max) do_you_have_an_online_biograph textarea field Do you have an online biography, portfolio, website, or LinkedIn profile you would like to share? file attachment field Do you have a second photo of you at your job? Please share! We welcome photos that show you at work. Employer logos are welcome! Please do not include other people in the photo with you. Select files to upload (50 MB max) Link (required) {"upload_max_filesize":"50"}